FCA offers a unique corporate training program which is designed to engage every employee with the WHY behind the company's mission, and enables them to effectively share this from department to department, state to state, country to country, and even to customers, vendors and friends.
This is not a "quick fix"seminar, training event, or keynote that will have only a short term effect on your corporate culture. This is a 14 week, one hour per week, event which will transform the way your people communicate.
Over time, your people will learn:
The true Firestory behind the creation of the enterprise.
The WHY behind the company, as well as each employee's personal WHY.
How to share the company's Firestory using impromptu and extemporaneous speaking techniques.
How each individual contributes to the larger mission of the company.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

The corporate 14 Weeks: From Fear to Firebrand program conducted at your office or at the FCA facility. It can also be provided virtually in certain circumstances.
Topics include:
Voice skills
Non-verbal communication
Proper messaging
Storytelling skills
Starting with connection
Finishing with action
Quality listening
Positive evaluation
Bring a fiery sense of purpose back to your organization with this unique program customized to the needs of your company!